How to sample the Word
To sample the Word
Step 1:
Highlight the word:
Step 2:
Choose Text>Style>Sample
Step 3:
The selected text is changed to Sample.
To sample the Word
Step 1:
Highlight the word:
Step 2:
Choose Text>Style>Sample
Step 3:
The selected text is changed to Sample.
To change the Word to Variable
Step 1:
Highlight the word:
Step 2:
Choose Text>Style>Variable
Step 3:
The selected text is changed to variable.
To code the Word
Step 1:
Highlight the word:
Step 2:
Choose Text>Style>Code
Step 3:
The selected text is coded as shown above.
To strengthen the Word
Step 1:
Highlight the word:
Step 2:
Choose Text>Style>Strong
Step 3:
The selected text is strengthened.
To emphasize the Word
Step 1:
Highlight the word:
Step 2:
Choose Text>Style>Emphasis
Step 3:
The selected text is emphasized.
To teletype the Word
Step 1:
Highlight the word:
Step 2:
Choose Text>Style>Teletype
Step 3:
The word is teletyped.
To strikethrough the Word
Step 1:
Highlight the word:
Step 2:
Choose Text>Style>Strikethrough
Step 3:
To underline the Word
Step 1:
Highlight the word:
Step 2:
Choose Text>Style>Underline
Step 3:
The selected text is underlined, as shown above.
To change the Word to Italic
Step 1:
Highlight the word:
Step 2:
Choose Text>Style>Italic
Step 3:
The selected text is changed to Italic.
To work with Bold
Step 1:
Highlight the word:
Step 2:
Choose Text>Style>Bold
Step 3:
The selected text is bolded.
To edit Font List
Step 1:
Choose Text > Font > Edit Font List.
Step 2:
Select the font combination from the list at the top of the dialog box.
Step 2:
To add or remove fonts from a font combination, click the <<>> button.
Step 3:
To add or remove a font combination, click the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons at the top of the dialog box.
To change the Font
Step 1:
Select the desired text.
Step 2:
Choose Text>Font>Times New Roman
The font of the selected text will be changed to Times New Roman.
To work with Definition List
Step 1:
Select paragraph or headings into an item not having any numbered list and bulleted list.
Step 2:
Choose Text>List>Definition List
The text will be listed in a numbered and bulleted list.
To work with Ordered List
Step 1:
Select paragraph or heading into an item on a numbered list.
Step 2:
Choose Text>List>Ordered List
Step 3:
The text is listed in order.
To work with Unordered List
Step 1:
Selected paragraph or heading into an item in a bulleted list.
Step 2:
Choose Text>List>Unordered List
Step 3:
To work with Preformatted Text
Step 1:
Select the desired text:
Step 2:
Choose Text>Format>Preformatted Text
Step 4:
The text was formatted.
To work with Text Format
Step 1:
Select the desired text:
Step 2:
Choose Text > Format>Heading 1
Step 3:
This displays the text in Heading Format.
To work with Outdent
Step 1:
Select the text to outdent.
Step 2:
Choose Text>Outdent.
This will outdent the selected text.
To work with Indent
Step 1:
Select the text to indent.
Step 2:
Choose Text > Indent
This will indent the selected text.
To Split Cell
Step 1:
You must first finish the Merge Cell process. Click on the cell.
Step 2:
Choose Modify > Table > Split Cells
This will split the cell.
To clear Cell Widths
Step 1:
Select the table that you want to clear its cell widths.
Step 2:
Choose Modify > Table>Clear Cell Widths
This will clear the Cell Widths.