Wednesday, October 24, 2007

How to sample the Word

How to sample the Word

To sample the Word

Step 1:

Highlight the word:

Step 2:

Choose Text>Style>Sample

Step 3:

The selected text is changed to Sample.

How to change the Word to Variable

How to change the Word to Variable

To change the Word to Variable

Step 1:

Highlight the word:

Step 2:

Choose Text>Style>Variable

Step 3:

The selected text is changed to variable.

How to code the Word

How to code the Word

To code the Word

Step 1:

Highlight the word:

Step 2:

Choose Text>Style>Code

Step 3:

The selected text is coded as shown above.

How to strengthen the Word

How to strengthen the Word

To strengthen the Word

Step 1:

Highlight the word:

Step 2:

Choose Text>Style>Strong

Step 3:

The selected text is strengthened.

How to emphasize the Word

How to emphasize the Word

To emphasize the Word

Step 1:

Highlight the word:

Step 2:

Choose Text>Style>Emphasis

Step 3:

The selected text is emphasized.

How to teletype the Word

How to teletype the Word

To teletype the Word

Step 1:

Highlight the word:

Step 2:

Choose Text>Style>Teletype

Step 3:

The word is teletyped.

How to strikethrough the Word

How to strikethrough the Word

To strikethrough the Word

Step 1:

Highlight the word:

Step 2:

Choose Text>Style>Strikethrough

Step 3:

How to underline the Word

How to underline the Word

To underline the Word

Step 1:

Highlight the word:

Step 2:

Choose Text>Style>Underline

Step 3:

The selected text is underlined, as shown above.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

How to change the Word to Italic

How to change the Word to Italic

To change the Word to Italic

Step 1:

Highlight the word:

Step 2:

Choose Text>Style>Italic

Step 3:

The selected text is changed to Italic.

How to work with Bold

How to work with Bold

To work with Bold

Step 1:

Highlight the word:

Step 2:

Choose Text>Style>Bold

Step 3:

The selected text is bolded.

How to edit Font List

How to edit Font List

To edit Font List

Step 1:

Choose Text > Font > Edit Font List.

Step 2:

Select the font combination from the list at the top of the dialog box.

Step 2:

To add or remove fonts from a font combination, click the <<>> button.

Step 3:

To add or remove a font combination, click the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons at the top of the dialog box.

How to change the Font

How to change the Font

To change the Font

Step 1:

Select the desired text.

Step 2:

Choose Text>Font>Times New Roman

The font of the selected text will be changed to Times New Roman.

How to work with Definition List

How to work with Definition List

To work with Definition List

Step 1:

Select paragraph or headings into an item not having any numbered list and bulleted list.

Step 2:

Choose Text>List>Definition List

The text will be listed in a numbered and bulleted list.

How to work with Ordered List

How to work with Ordered List

To work with Ordered List

Step 1:

Select paragraph or heading into an item on a numbered list.

Step 2:

Choose Text>List>Ordered List

Step 3:

The text is listed in order.

How to work with Unordered List

How to work with Unordered List

To work with Unordered List

Step 1:

Selected paragraph or heading into an item in a bulleted list.

Step 2:

Choose Text>List>Unordered List

Step 3:

How to work with Preformatted Text

How to work with Preformatted Text

To work with Preformatted Text

Step 1:

Select the desired text:

Step 2:

Choose Text>Format>Preformatted Text

Step 4:

The text was formatted.

How to work with Text Format

How to work with Text Format

To work with Text Format

Step 1:

Select the desired text:

Step 2:

Choose Text > Format>Heading 1

Step 3:

This displays the text in Heading Format.

How to work with Outdent

How to work with Outdent

To work with Outdent

Step 1:

Select the text to outdent.

Step 2:

Choose Text>Outdent.

This will outdent the selected text.

How to work with Indent

How to work with Indent

To work with Indent

Step 1:

Select the text to indent.

Step 2:

Choose Text > Indent

This will indent the selected text.

How to Split Cell

How to Split Cell

To Split Cell

Step 1:

You must first finish the Merge Cell process. Click on the cell.

Step 2:

Choose Modify > Table > Split Cells

This will split the cell.

How to clear Cell Widths

How to clear Cell Widths

To clear Cell Widths

Step 1:

Select the table that you want to clear its cell widths.

Step 2:

Choose Modify > Table>Clear Cell Widths

This will clear the Cell Widths.